Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy _____!!!!!

those of us who have a national holiday are celebrating our country's national holiday and
those of us who don't have a national holiday are celebrating anyways.  Hah!
It would be great if you would take a break from your busy summer schedule to whip up something in the spirit of celebration and link up
with our own BBQ-ish party!
(and if you live in a country that doesn't have anything special this July weekend, it's OK if you want to pretend you're from a country that does.  We won't tell.)


  1. Hah! yourself Misses!
    It was the Beaver the Beaver, it's always the Lucy says and she does THE WHEEL at top speed.
    Love these ATC's, what a wonderful thing for Jane Fonda to say :-)

  2. Freakin' hilarious! Love them all, thanks for the holiday laugh! lol!

  3. Have I told you that you are the Queen of all that is Art? Well if not, I am now. This is amazing, as always. Happy Canada Day to you!

  4. A great challenge you've come up with and these ATCs are AWESOME! I love their orginality, their humor, and the images you've used!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!