Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Joy #9

OK, I may not have time to make 12 Joys. 
My stupid computer crashed and I haven't been able to connect for the past few days.
Family Traditions
We don't have many,
(unless you count the inevitable argument between my mother and father on Christmas Day.)

But my mom used to make Christmas candy, so my girl and I have been doing that the last couple of days.
And when she was little, I made a big quilted Christmas tree, and each day in December she got to choose and hang a tiny woodern ornament.  She loved that.
AND, I sewed a tiny little mouse family one year, before she was born
 (when I had time to do such things)
It comes complete with a Mamma Mouse reading the Christmas Story to her little mousettes, sitting in her overstuffed armchair, as well as a four-poster bed, complete with lace linens and a Christmas quilt...
What can I say. 
I've always been a touch OCD.
But each year we put it out and this year is no different.
Are you ready for Christmas yet?
Well, you had better get a move on then...


  1. My dear Electra, I haven't got all 12 of my Christmas Joys up either, I figure I have until Epiphany to get them shared. (gosh, I don't think that sounds joy-ous does it? Must work on my presentation skills)

    Your joy here is actually pretty darn perfect, it has your humor and that touch of realism (that hits mighty close to home). I love your traditions - and I think it is marvelous that you and your girl have treasured the important ones (the Christmas Day arguments are better pushed aside - easier said than done in my family).

    Merry Christmas, my dear Electra, and I wish you so many good things for 2012!

  2. How sweet is that mouse family. I love it. Don't worry about the Christmas Joys. As long as there are Christmas decorations up, there is still time to play... (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)


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