Thursday, November 5, 2009

In withdrawal

I've done no art this week. I was SO Tired at the beginning of the week that I knew I had to make some decisions.
I have gone to bed early every night this week, except tonight and tomorrow I can sleep in a couple of hours. I told the prison I woudn't be there until 10ish.
The darn cat has put her butt on my computer mouse. ARRGGHHH. MOVE, CAT!
So I had to get some kind of an art fix and went to the Fifth Birthday Party of Art Central, a group of studios that open their galleries to everyone for free each Thursday night. It's called First Thursday. Tonight the ACAD art students put on a fashion show of wearable art. It was awesome. I saw lots of interesting work, and especially some excellent encaustic art. I love that.
But it's time to go to bed. Good night John Boy. Goodnight Jim Bob. Goodnight Mary Ellen. Goodnight Moon.

1 comment:

  1. Good night, Electra, I hope you get your energy and your crafty bug back! I love to visit and see what you're up to.

    Sometimes with the change of seasons we just find our energy levels ebb and flow until they get themselves realigned - so be gentle to yourself. I think seeing some pretty or inspiring art is a lovely diversion!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!