Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekend is over

and it has been a wonderful one!
I spent a few hours today downtown taking pictures-the new Christmas Holt Renfrew windows are done and they are SPECTACULAR!!! So edgy and really beautiful. Apparently the designers are world-renowned-it's easy to see why.
I've spent the past week going through all my art supplies and culling them. Now I know what I have and I realize I must attend a 12-step meeting for this addiction that's become so obvious to me. BUT the thing is, I love having all these options at my fingertips. It's not like I'm taking the glimmer mist out of the mouth of some child in Biafra. OK, I KNOW that was not politically correct. I knew that as I was writing it. But I have no self-control. No addict does.
Anyways, once I got organized, I put my mind to the task of finishing up all the little albums I started and then never finished for one reason or another. I got most of them completed. It was fun, there was a little book of Hoops and Yoyo in Cuba that I really enjoyed doing. I did an awesome (if I do say so myself)
dressmaker's bust with these detailed golden wings I got in Edmonton. I took pics of it but the main one is really crummy, so I'll have to redo it. I'm so proud of it, can hardly wait to show it off.
Did I mention I even gathered up ALL of my buttons and put them in one tin? Yes, one tin. It's a big tin and I'm pretty sure if I ever get really bored, I can cover the truck in buttons. Completely.

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