Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #169

The right word can often smooth things over.
2. Leave now and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up yours.
4. Somewhere in never-never land is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that smell?
6. Friday Fill-ins is a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include driving to Lethbridge to visit my daughter, and going to see Alice in Wonderland together, and Sunday, I want to drive back home early enough that I won't be tired for work the next day!


  1. Funny! Where does one find these Friday Fill in's? Is it something you just make up? Just curious, because they are really funny. Have a great weekend, that Queen needs to stop going to Mary Kay parties.

  2. Hi girlfriend,
    click on the link just beside this post for the Friday fill-Ins. It's a weekly thing and I think it's a lot of fun. Only takes a few minutes, if only I could get them done before Friday midnight. (this morning was a welcome exception)

  3. You and I are in agreement with number 3. Hehehehehehe. Don't worry, I hardly ever get my Friday Fill-ins done on Friday. I think it more as a suggestion....


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