Friday, March 26, 2010

Playin' with UTEE

What does UTEE stand for anyways? Unidentified Treasures (for) Extravangant Efforts?
Maybe Unusual (a)Ttempts (for) Everyone (to) Excite (others)? Or Usually Takes (me) Everywhere (I) envision (myself going?) OK, none of these work. I just like it.
If you look closely, you'll see there's a bit on each of these ATC's. The green background on one is UTEE and there's a splat of it on the other. I want to get some more of that molding paste to make some more molds, but I'm waiting for a 50%off coupon. (I'm tapping my foot as I say this).
I'm making stuff tonight. Not Art or anthying real, just stuff. I have to do this, or I do insane. Come next Thursday, I have five, count em, five days off IN A ROW. I'm on call, but I'm going to threaten them with death if they call me. Well, I can only do that in my mind. I have plans, BIG plans to make more stuff. I may even make a list. Last night I played with my supplies for a bit, trying to organize the mess in my studio, actually, and I wanted to forego sleep and get to it! I stayed up far too late, and then had to be up at 5AM to go out of town. DRAGGING, big-time.
But I napped when I got home and have my second wind. I've been doing a little digital art this evening, but every time I get up from the computer and walk by my worktable, I get distracted and work on a LO. If I were my child, I would tell me to settle down. So much to do and so little time.
Oop, pizza's ready, gotta go!


  1. "So much to do and so little time." You said, it, girl! The days just fly by and if I'm lucky I accomplish about 1/20th of what I'd intended.

    However, I'm glad you're spending what time you can in the studio, because you're making really cool stuff! Your UTEE is fab!

  2. Your posts always make me laugh Electra...I just love your sense of humour and it goes without saying that I totally adore your artwork too :D
    haven't used utee before but looking at your fab creations it could now be on my must have list...oooer more money spent!!
    Keep em coming.
    Chris xx

    p.s. the onion didn't seem to work... and I had one in every room rofl... but oh well germs have gone now so that's ok.

  3. Gotta love the UTEE. Don't do enough with it. Your ATC's are fab! Oh yeah, thanks for the info on Friday Fill-In's, I guess the link was just too......obvious. lol


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