Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Layouts

I don't know how people do it, meaning travel all the time. I haven't done much of it and I'm toast with a capital "T". Yesterday I was in a workshop from 7:30-5:30 and then had a three-hour drive home. I wasn't much use at work today either. Go figure. So this is all I've got for tonight, just some proof that I DID go to a crop Friday night while I was away and I had a great time. I'll be back to my old self soon, I'm sure. Good Night.


  1. These are great! That last one is so cute!

  2. They're all fab, Electra! The Cat World spread made me giggle with delight. No, really, I actually giggled!

  3. Good god woman, you do fantastic layouts. How bout if I just send you my pics and you do my layouts? Of course I would give you full credit. lol And I'll reiterate again, Zion is my favorite National park so far.

  4. I love these layouts! I think my favorite is a toss up between the Cat World, the Newspaper, and Oh What Fun! Okay, I can't choose so I like them all equally with no favorites. You've been quite busy.


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