Thursday, May 6, 2010

Opus Challenge #53

Can I quote you on that? That's the challenge, to make something with a quote. So I chose a picture of a little girl I know and a quote from Peter Pan. The little girl was sitting in the sun light in her kindergarten class (at the school where i worked), listening to a story book on tape and following along in her book. she looked so precious and so engrossed and she reminded me at that moment that I've always believed that a library card is the Key to the Kingdom. I still feel that way, actually. So there you have it.


  1. I love that sentiment, Electra. My mom said to me as a little girl that if I worked hard and learned the read the books would be able to talk to me. Marvelous incentive to be an avid reader, even if I was a little disappointed at first that they didn't actually

    Love your project and thank you for participating with us at Opus Gluei!!! MWAH!

  2. Beautiful great colours
    Christine x

  3. WOW. This is wonderful. I love how you made the page look all dreamy. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. And my girls too. Opus Gluei loves having you play along. Thank you.

  4. This is so wonderful! It's got that magical stillness that is so much a part of that story!

  5. Yes, dreamy, sigh. Love the image of the little girl, and the quote is awesome, you rocked this one!

  6. It's just lovely Electra!
    Out of the corner of my eye I have spied in your side bar a dress up post, how on earth did I miss that??
    I'm off there now.

  7. THis is great - if its ok, I am going to repost this on my facebook page for our library!


  8. Hi Electra...... this is such a great image. Lucky you to see it so clearly that day.I'd love to have your "eye".

  9. Thanks for your kind words, everyone! Ruthie, I've replied to your question on your blog!


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