Sunday, May 9, 2010


For this one, we had to agree to make an ATC of whatever theme our assigned partner chose. Risky. :-) My partner wanted an IT Queen. Gheesh! but I agreed, so I had to get creative. I printed out some computer-themed paper I had in my digital stash, the woman is from Suse Weinberg's "Instant Art", the crown is a child's sticker that for some obscure reason I bought in a dollar store one day, I printed out the words on cardstock, the corner is TSS metal, bling on the corner and of course the bling swirl...whew! Oh yeah, ribbon, and I stamped a calendar sideways on the background and the lipstick? Well, she was drunk when she put it on, what can I say? And if you followed that, you're a better woman than I.


  1. Very creative, and seriously, that was the theme she chose? Even on a good day I wouldn't have been able to think up that one. Fantastic ATC, love how it relates to the theme.

  2. That's a tough challenge, but I must say that you honestly did a fab job of it. She's great, she just looks like she'd say that. In a very polite and refined manner, of course.

  3. Lucky swap partner you've got! This is spectacular. That's how my lipstick usually looks, too, and I'm not even drunk when I apply it.

  4. This is great. And you crack me up. Drunk when she applied her lipstick, you say. Hmmm. I'll have to remember that one.


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