Monday, May 31, 2010

Road Trip

I had to work out of town today. And by the time I got home it was too dark for me to take any pics of the things I made on the weekend, which is what I planned to do. so I'll bore you with some pics of the places I visited today. I could only work until a certain time in the morning, where I was working, and had to entertain myself over lunch, so I went down the highway. I also did a little mud 4x4ing. Woo hoo! Fun! And then I had to go back after lunch and finish my work in the afternoon.
This picture is of a 100-year old coal mine that I have every intention of touring when I have three hours.
Tomorrow, I'll have pics of some ATC's I worked on this weekend. Promise.
Now I have to blurf. I've missed my friends. Later Gator.


  1. That's a cool pic! Did you have to wash your truck, then? lol

  2. OMG I have missed your funny chatter while I've been awol... that'll teach me pmsl.
    You have such a way with words my friend and you always put a smile on my face whatever you are doing... crafting or otherwise :)

    I can just imagine you having a great time in the mud ha ha ha

    Chris xx

    p.s. what is blurfing...rofl

  3. What a fabulous picture! Looking forward to seeing your makes! Kim

  4. I happen to LOVE your photos, girlfriend, and I don't the words "Electra" and "Boring" could ever fit together!

  5. "Blurfing" is surfing to other people's blogs.
    It's my friend Jana's word.

  6. Very cool picture. Sorry, now I've got you blurfing too. LOL


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