Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Seasonal Icons

in no particular order. Well, they SHOULD be, but I have such a hard time bloggin backwards, when I want to post more than one photo that I got all mixed up. and I'm not starting again.

The challenge this week at Order of the Opus Gluei is to make something with seasonal icons. So I've done a LO for each season. This first one is my favorite season, autumn. I LOVE the colours and usually on weekends, I'll go to the river at sunrise and then back at sunset and in between too, and fill my hard drive with pics. These pics are from last year, not this past one, cus we went directly from summer to winter and someone (I'm not saying who) forgot to tell Mother Nature to get up early and beat the rush. So NO colours this year. I'd still be bitter about it if I weren't so ADHD.

I give you Autumn.

PS. I realize if you came here by link, you'll only see this post. If you want to see all four seasons, please click on the header and that'll give you all four. My gosh, sorry for this, I'm having a blonde day, apparently.


  1. I love autumn too. It's my favorite season. I love the colors and the crisp air. Your layout is great. It captures the wonderful feel of fall that I love so much. Again you have NAILED the Opus Gluei challenge. Thank you so much for sticking with us. MWAH

  2. You are SO good to scrapbook photos! I gave up a few years ago. My kids will have to hunt for photos in boxes and the hard drive of my computer... pathetic!

    Had to pop in when I saw the comment you left on Margaret's blog (Alice and Camilla). You hd asked about a card I sent her. I blogged about it here...


  3. Yep, autumn is my fave season, even here in Illinois. lol. Autumn near the mountains would be much nicer, in my opinion. Your layouts for the seasons have been really wonderful, superb designs, gf! You rocked 'em!

  4. Oh lovely! Autumn has such lovely colours and you have captured the season so beautifully. Kim

  5. These are ALL fantastic, Electra, and I love the idea of doing Seasonal Icons!

    You're so stinking talented!!!

  6. Beautiful, it does make me instantly think of crunchy leaves, bright blue skies, and brisk temps. Really captures the challenge in a beautiful way. Thanks for participating in our Opus Gluei challenge!

  7. I have to second Nathalie on this one, I love what you've done with your photo's, the colours are super you've captured the moment so well! Margaret


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