Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This is summer

Where is the seasonal icon in this? you ask.

Well, it's seasonal to me. It's a pic of two girls on a ride at the Calgary Stampede. In our neck of the woods, the only time you're going to be on a ride is in the summer time, we're not like those (spoiled) places that have nice weather ALL YEAR ROUND and rides ALL YEAR ROUND like Disneyland or California. Humphf. Anyways, the sun on their skin and the look on their faces just yells SUMMER! to me. If you listen real hard, you can hear them scream. You should really come to the Stampede. You'd get it if you did. Second week in July. Bring your spurs. I have a spare room. Just let me know you're coming.


  1. This is such a fun layout.
    Your offer is very tempting. If I could only get the hubby to understand that I need summers off to travel to see all my friends...

  2. I've heard of the Stampede, never been there. Looks like a riot, although I'm not much into horses or rodeo. Cool layout!

  3. Yeah, but are ya into cowboys, Lori???


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