Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's on your workdesk ? Wednesday

Sunshine and a mess! LOL
You can see lots more workdesks here


  1. Nice try, but that's not messy - you can still see work surface (LOL). Actually, I prefer to see a "messy" workspace as creative and inspiring. Again, lol, because mine is REALLY creative and inspiring right now...

    word verification: lerri
    (Jerry's evil twin)

  2. You call that messy?? You need to visit the post-apocalyptic horror that is my studio. ;-)

  3. Post apocalyptic, oh that Linda, she's too funny! This isn't a mess in my opinion either. And I have to say, your windows look sparkly clean, in our house, you just assume a hint of daylight must be a window somewhere. Walk towards the light....

  4. What are you talking about crazy girl??? YOu can see the surface, therefore, there is no mess! LOL! So much fun stuff, though!

  5. For the record, I live in a condo and we just had our windows cleaned. Like I'd do it. My condo fees should pay for something. It's a whole new world, tho.

  6. I love seeing other workspaces. I feel like I am peeking into a medicine cabinet. With permission.
    By the way, that is SO NOT a mess.


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