Friday, June 11, 2010

Blog Hop!

As is frequently the case, my ATC doesn't have a whole lot to do with the topic of my post today. But it could. If you use your imagination. lol Having said that, I am on my way out, to buy some petit fours for my upcoming tea party and shall try my utmost to make it home with them intact and not in my tummy. Yes, I have the day off work today and yes I am THRILLED about that!!!
Now back to the task at hand. Gingersnap Creations is having a blog hop and you definitely should dress up in you most Alice-in-Wonderland-like outfit and skip on over there to take part. You'll be happy you did. Trust me. Have fun! BTW, the images of the little boy and the little girl are from Lisa's Altered Art, aren't they wonderful?TTFN


  1. Cool ATC, love the message, and it looks exactly like what he is thinking about...have a great day, being as how you're finally getting one off work!

  2. This is too funny. Love that little boy. My uncle was only 2 years older than me and my grandmother made him play with me. I imagine he felt like this often. LOL


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!