Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Opus challenge #60

ABC they said, Anything But a Card. that's what the week's challenge was over at Order of the Opus Gluei. Little do they know I HATE MAKING CARDS. Always have, likely always will. I'll make anything BUT a card, given the choice. But they went on to clarify that the challenge was to step out of our comfort zone. So, long story short, I did a collaged house. I knew I neeed to do something with this paper mache house I bought for some obscure reason. And I did.

I had to git-r-done, cus I leave town tomorrow morning for three days, then home for a couple of hours, then off again to another place for three more days. OK, I'll quit whining now. Hope you like my house.


  1. Oh lordy, this made me laugh out loud (and now the cat is glaring at me, I disturbed her slumber - if I disappear overnight, she's the main suspect). This is so lovely! Housework stinks, truer words have never been uttered. Loving the little lady twirling at the top! I'm so glad you play with us at Opus Gluei!

  2. it is very pretty, and funny!!!!!

  3. awesome awesome awesome!

    i love houses in art, and this one is just so colourful and full of loveliness!

    paper mache huh? I might have to try my hand at one of these!

  4. This is really cool! Love the housework stinks sentiment, I totally agree with that! All the elements you used are really fabulous, gf!

  5. Totally wonderful! Love your house! Kim

  6. Fabulous house, great art work!

  7. I'm sooo with you on the cardmaking front... I used to make loads but now only make them if I need one for somebody. They just don't get me creative juices flowing. have had to make quite a few lately through gritted teeth!!

    Love love love your house... so much amazing detail and you made it soooo much fun to look at with all those amazing photos... brilliant work hun...made my day...just gorgeous eye candy.

    Chris xx

  8. It's more than a house. It's a shrine to my attitude about housework. It's also awesome and wonderful, much like yourself. ♥

  9. Superb and the girl up on the chimney top is the icing on the cake!


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