Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fill Ins #203

1. I wish _the world was safe and full of love_.
2. _IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!_...that's what I'm thinking.
3. Please bring _chips and dip.  Hurry!_.
4. _My daughter_ is so amazing.
5. One of my fondest hopes _is to see her fulfill her dreams_.
6. _I'm so glad I tried this blog thing_ and I just wanted to say thank you.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _dinner with a friend_, tomorrow my plans include _lunch with friends and Zoolights with another friend_ and Sunday, I want to _finish a couple of projects I'm working on_.
See lots more Fill-Ins here


  1. These are a very restrained set of answers this week. Hope you enjoyed your dinner - I did, and someone else brought it just as I hoped they would!!

  2. I like these answers - thank YOU for having such a cheerful and amazingly witty blog. Such a pleasure to come over and spend time with YOU!

  3. Friday!...Woohoo!!!

    Nothing like spending your weekend dining on good food with great friends!

    You're Blog is refreshingly witty. Thanx for sharing your thoughts with us.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!