Friday, February 4, 2011


is this week's theme for Dezinaworld's Spot Prize Challenge and I made this.
I think this lady is fairly charming-do you?
I also think this is kind of Vintage-y
Do you?
Well, no mind , I've going to submit this for this week's challenge over at
So there.

Oh yeah, in my continueing mission to identify the sources of the elements I use in the stuff I make:
The background is by Catherine Designs, the charming lady is by Dezinaworld, the hot-to-trot dude is from Sum of All Crafts, the couch is from Deviant Art.  I must apologize, I can't tell you where I got the old-fashioned elements such as the suitcase (which is packed with sheer negligees, BTW), the fan and the screen.  Just somewhere on the 'Net.

Have a funny weekend, everyone!


  1. Hi My lovely friend, yes it certainly is charming, so is the guy, and yep i would say it has a vintage look too.
    beautifully collaged and thank you so much for entering it for the challenge this week. i love it !
    Hugs June

  2. Definitely vintage, love your take on the challenge..another well done project my friend!

  3. Hi Electra,
    Oh yes, she is definitely charming and so is this piece!!! I hope you will have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for coming to visit my blog....Your work is very special!!!

  4. It is a perfect entry!

  5. This is a Gorgeous piece of art!!!Have A Beautiful Day!
    Nancy :D

  6. What an intriguing scene you've created. I love her red shoes! We're glad you shared it with us at Three Muses!

  7. OOPS --- forgot where I was. Thank you for sharing at Take A Word!

  8. This is just wonderful! Love the saying! Great work!

  9. Wow! The detail in this collage is simply amazing. I love the vibrant colours and the richness of textures.

    A fantastic piece of art.

  10. I think it is totally charming and a lovely composition.
    Sue xx

  11. This is gorgeous and certainly is totally charming - love it!


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