Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love is in the air

and in the home.
According to the Order of the Opus gluei, that is.
Their Challenge #89 is to create something for the home.
Now I admire all these pretty banners that everyone seems to be making these days and I say to myself, "Well, Self.  You have no need of one of those, you live alone.  Who would care?"

I'm happy to say, I have had a change of heart.
Well, an epiphany, actually.
I've decided
would care.
So there.
made one for
Yes, I did!

I've come a long way Baby.
Now, you need to go see the Poobahs at
I'll see you there.


  1. This is absolutely WONDERFUL. I love the colors you used. AND I have to agree with you, make it because YOU would love it. I made mine for me. Shhh, don't tell my family, they think I made it for them too. LOL Silly people. This is SO perfect for OPUS GLUEI. Thank you for playing with us.

    I LOVE your banner.

  2. What a beautiful banner! Anything PINK & glittery and I love it!

  3. Love the banner and you should ALWAYS make things just for you!

  4. This is fantastic, I love it! The black and white with the pops of color are gorgeous. Well done!

  5. Electra! Welcome on the banner bandwagon - I'll be your activities director, how nice to see you here!

    Isn't it kind of fun to make these - you let yourself go wild and mine is for me as well (hot mess that it is)! But that's okay, I rather like that we (you, Jana, and I) have made banners that are totally us!

    Now that you've made one, I'll let you in on a not so well kept secret - you'll want to make more. For birthdays and friends and all that...and you'll rather like it too.

  6. awesome job...but i see they sucked you into the banner world...i am trying to resist, but i don't think i can hold out much longer!

  7. Your banner is just gorgeous! You are so gifted.


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