Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Workdesk

This is my new shelving unit.  Well, actually it's not really a shelving until, more like a drawer unit.  I built it meself.
But first I built it backwards.  The drawers would NOT go in.  I realized I had to take the whole stoopid thing apart and build it again.  PROPERLY.  So I did.
(Please ignore the overflowing drawer at the very bottom.  I'm dealing with that.)
is how my paper is now organized.

is another VERY organized corner of my studio.
And THIS, my friends

is my actual workdesk.  Are you impressed?
Hah!  I am.
That's the last time you'll see it this clean.
As sure as the sun will rise in the morning and set at night.
The LAST time.
Be sure to go see lots more desks, probably much more active ones here.


  1. Well firstly fab name Electra, Starlight Express fan? hehe and wow to your storage, now thats what I need! You have a fab workspace there can't wait to see it all messy hehe

    Suzilou #133

  2. Lovin all your storage! My desk is looking far too tidy too but then I can't work around too much mess as my small son will walk off with something not put away! Hugs Rebekah xx

  3. That storage looks fab - it is great seeing how everyone stores their stash

  4. WOW! You are so organized! I'm impressed and envious! I don't even know if there is a desk anymore under all my stuff on the desk. Your desk, however, is what I'll strive for!

  5. Hello Electra, I'm well impressed - you are very organised today. The drawers are fab and I had a chuckle when you described how you built it only to have to build it again. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x #79

  6. very organized place.
    I like you room.
    Hugs #107

  7. Impressive! Now, when can you come do mine? lol!

  8. totally get the last time it will be clean phrase...spent 3 full days over christmas doing mine and my husband said take a picture cuz it will never stay like this...and he was right...i hate it when he is right....enjoy it while it is clean...

  9. Oh wow, Electra--this is fabulous!!! It's such a good feeling--I went through all that last August--but, oh no, mine is a mess

    And I love your piece with the little girl in the pink dress--it's precious!!!

  10. Wow, you're so organised! Well done for building the drawer unit yourself, I wouldn't know where to start!

  11. Well lady bug, looks like you been busy cleaning up! Everything looks so neat and tidy and like you can put your hands on whatever you want on the first try. Well done!

  12. I love that drawer unit you have! Great space!

  13. Great workspace, love the new cupboard. i love flat pack furniture but leave the building to my hubbie, he thinks powertools and me don't mix.

  14. Well the gal done good! Love that I'm notthe only one to rush in and do it wrong and then have to re-do it. Stupid stuff. LOVE your arrangement, and love that you know yourself well enough to know that it may change a bit..!

  15. Love your storage and your workspace and I like the tidiness being a tidy crafter lol ~ Nicky no. 9

  16. Love the space! i need some more walls in my room...
    Becky #137 (I think)

  17. Very nice! I am quite impressed that you built that drawer unit yourself. You go girl!

  18. I'm VERY impressed you can come do mine anytime!

  19. Awesome organization! Where did you find your drawer unit? I love it! (And it would fit nicely in my closet! LOL!
    -Kim #155

  20. Very nice work area. I love the new drawers and paper sorting system. I need to get organized too but I really love my messy craft space. Thanks for sharing.

  21. great work space - love your new drawers (and laughed about you assembling it backwards! We've ALL done it!!)

  22. I have also been trying to get organized, I wish it was so easy!

    Your critter photo in the cages is darling also!
    Smiles, Cyndi

  23. Wow - you are super-organised and very clever! I'm so impressed, and now looking forward more than ever to when my craft space is all brand spanking new!

  24. Congrats on the new storage! It really does feel good to have things organized and a place for it all, doesn't it?! Star 102

  25. Hi y'all. In response to Kim, I got this at good ol' IKEA. It's PERFECT for stamps, with these shallow little drawers. Now I don't have to dig through everything to find the one I want.


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