Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

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  1. Awwww! poor babies. Love the designer head piece though. xxoo

  2. Hahahaha!!!

    My dogs are in Blogland!
    Poor Fala (black) and Zoey (White and Brown), both got fixed on feb. 9th.

    Poor babies!

  3. Aw, they look so forlorn with their Elizabethan gear.

    Milady's and Milord's cones of shame are quite festive though...

  4. OMG,
    this has to be one of my favourite blogs ever...soooo ful of colour, humour, it's so versatile soooo happening.
    I just adore it and of course the girl behind it is quite lovely too.

    I have tried to catch up on here have been looking on and off for 3 days now but didnt get back as far as I would like too ...just so much I want to look at and digest.

    ONE day when I have nothing to do maybe I can come back again.

    Just want to say I have missed you and your creativeness.
    Take care and thank you soooo much for sharing your talent and humour.

    chriss x


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!