Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Giveaway for a Very Good Cause!

My friend Peggy Gatto is celebrating her 2500th (gasp!) post with a Giveaway.  The cool thing is how she is celebrating.  Peggy's friend of over 35 years, Cathy, passed away from ovarian cancer.  So for every comment that Peggy receives on her blog, she will donate $1.00 to ovarian cancer research!  She is hoping to get at least 100 comments.  And as if that isn't cool enough, Peggy is giving away a French General jewelry kit!
C'mon, pay it forward for us, will you please?  All you need to do is visit

(which is where I learned of her giveaway)
Happy Easter!


  1. Very cool layout, love the chick on the bike! lol!

  2. awesome project...going to her site now to comment as well!

  3. How heartbreaking! I will go to her blog and comment! Sweet of you to do this! Hope your Easter was wonderful!

  4. Isn't Peggy such a sweet soul? I have gone on her site as well.

  5. Happy Easter, Electra! I'm headed over to Peggy's!!!


  6. What a wonderful way to honor her friend. Thank you for getting the word out, Electra.

    BTW, I do enjoy your collage for today!

  7. If I get to come back again, I WANT to come back as that chick on her bike with exactly that hat and the flowers in my egg paniers and everything else, and I want that joyous don't give a damn attitude too, gimmie gimmie gimmie that next time round!
    Just look what obstacles she's overcome to ride that bike and she doesn't even have opposable thumbs, what a star she is ;-)


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