Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cowgirls and Cowboys

Good grief, I am SO disorganized!  I just posted, saying I am trying to get caught up in my blurfing and I subsequently blurf on over to Gingersnap Creations where I see (and remember at the very same instant) that I am one of the visiting artists this month.  So I halted in my blurf activities to come back here and post my own Western project. 
OK, let me 'splain.  The cowgirl is Dale Evans.  I mentioned to a friend that I found a picture of Dale Evans online and she said "who?"  (heavy sigh)  Dale Evans was the wife of Roy Rogers. I grew up on Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.  And if you don't know who Roy Rogers is, I give up.  (and feel VERY old). (another heavy sigh)
BUT, that's not the coolest thing.
On the left is a scan of an old music score.  
Charlie Herald and his Round-Up Rangers.
singing, "She'll be Comin' Around The Mountain When She Comes."
Oops  Sorry  I got carried away.  Focus, Electra

 Charlie Herald is (well, WAS) my Mom's cousin and my Mom played honky-tonk piano in the 
Round-Up Rangers!
This was when she was 17 years old.  Let's see, that would have been 1933.
I know, I know, she wasn't in the photo, but that's cus it was an "Boys Thing".  They just let her play with them, cus none of them could play the piano.  
When they played in the saloons, she had to come in a play the set and then go back and wait outside until the next set.  I guess some things never change.  lol
Can you believe those hats?
I'm almost embarrassed to admit Charlie was kinfolk of mine.  
But it gave me a good story for this project, didn't it?
There are some really fun projects at Gingersnap Creations!
I hope you visit and play along!


  1. You are so funny and yes I remember the song well.
    I Love you blog !
    Hugs to you

  2. That's great, Electra! And congrats on being a visiting artist. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations .

  3. Beautiful and sweet Dale Evans now there is a memory...the Roy Rogers Show on Saturday morning...Bullet Trigger & Nelliebell...those were the days...thanks for the memory Electra I love your alter art it rocks!!!

  4. I love this! And you are hilarious! LOL!

  5. I don't know whether I like your art or your writing better. I don't HAVE to pick, to I?
    YOU crack-a me up!!

  6. This is incredible! Yippee-ki-aye, girl!

  7. Such a great project and a brilliant story!

  8. Wow! That is such a cool story! And a cool project! And yes, I remember Roy and Dale, well, ok, hearing about them, I can't say as if I ever saw the program.
    Yeah! Congrats on the visiting artist! It's about time!

  9. Oh Yeah, loved the Roy Rogers show!
    What a fun story you tell in your altered art and your post...lots of memories....Dale was quite good lookin' in her day.....

    Happy Trails

  10. These are grand and I not only remember who Dale Evans was but also the song you have here. Her horse I think was Buttermilk....lol, ah those were the days!

  11. Electra... what a GREAT story and nice to know that us girlies have come a long way baby.... Great creatiion. Just love the lace around the edge

  12. Just love this especially the tatting around the border. great cowgirl art, partner!gerri

  13. Too cool! I love Dale Evans! Awesome piece!


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