Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anniversary Day!!

Today is the second anniversary celebration for Julia's WHAT'S ON YOUR WORKDESK WEDNESDAY
How cool is that?
I think anyone who hosts a weekly "peek" into the craftrooms of people all over the world deserves big applause: (ALL TOGETHER NOW)
Thank you Julia!
Julia has decided that those who are interested may participate in a PIF event
and from the looks of The Stamping Ground blog, there are a lot of folks taking part.
I hope you will too!
Here is my workdesk as it looked before I went out this morning:
What you see in my mother's elementary school class photo from 1920,
her certificate of being a member of the "Cradle Roll" Society
(something to do with the church, as far as I can tell)
and her wedding certificate from 1942.
What you don't see is the iron and ironing board.
The last thing I did before I went to bed last night was try to iron some of these old documents so they would lay flat.
Nor can you see my grandfather's birth certificate from 1878 under this pile of papers.
AND the purple?  Well that's a package of shrink shapes I got from my friend Carol when I attended her card technique class on Saturday.  I'm just TOO excited to use them!
And that would be WO-my-WWed for this Anniversary 104th Challenge!
Thank YOU Julia!


  1. congrats to Julia! Can't wait to see what you concoct out of that pile of goodies!!

  2. Hi Electra! I am Fran. your June ATC partner! This is gonna be a fun one!! I love making ATC's. Well I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Talk to ya soon. XO Fran.

  3. you have a very different desk to most - love all your memories here.

  4. Oh, how neat that you have those photos and certificates!!! And the shrink shapes sound like fun!

  5. Wonderful vintage pieces on your desk, love them.Happy WOYWW, heres to many more

  6. Hey babe, sorry if you already know all this:

    Paper has a 'memory' because of its fibrous structure and the bonding/sizing that binds it like a fabric,
    it will always now try to curl up because that is what is has done for so long. Age may also have made the fibers fragile.

    heat/dampening/drying can help but you will certainly cause damage - i nearly fell off my chair thinking you actually ironed those treasures...

    if you want really flat originals you need to use a paper press, and go very slow and gentle if you want no damage at all to the paper or image - instead you could get a very high quality scan and use your reproductions and leave the originals curled in storage so you do not ever damage them trying to make them do something they would rather not do (be flat).

    really be loving (I know you will) with that photograph - especially if it is cellulose based.

    sorry I such a nag but I so love these things

    come back at me and tell me to get lost!!!

    Happy 104


  7. Hey Girlfriend,
    Awe shucks your space is lookin' way to neat - you tryin' to make the rest of us look bad or somethin'? :D I am coveting those documents on that desk my friend....

  8. Wow ...what treasures you have there ... I am excited for you and hope you manage to flaten things ....maybe between some books careful about ironing things.xx

  9. What a treasure of documents you have.
    Keep smiling and creating...and happy shrinking!!

  10. I’m making a really big effort to get around everyone seeing as it’s a special week. Mind you it’s taking forever and I have a bit of a numb bum now so It’ll be back to my random visits next week I think. I just don’t know how some people manage it every week.

    All those old photos and documents are so special, are you going to do a scrapbook page with them.
    I’m working on a heritage album at the moment and it’s so interesting going back over old records.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  11. That looks like a very interesting pile of your family history - Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  12. what a great project you have there.
    Happy #2 WOYWW anniversary xxx

  13. What treasures, I think I even see a butterfly. Happy WOYWW a little late.

  14. WOW nice looking desk. Love all the 'vintage' photos there. Sorry I am so late getting around but it was a busy week. Happy WOYWW #104 and the 2nd anniversary of blog snooping! Thanks for sharing Vickie #55

  15. What wonderful treasures you have! I can't wait to see what you create.

  16. Wow, what treasure to have - and a proper scrapbook is so the safest place for them - remember to show us the results of your work! And thanks for the cheer - but it's nothing without you!

  17. Such a treasure trove there... all part of your family history. Keep it well. Babies who were Christened were added to the Church's cradle roll. I remember that I used to enter names in calligraphy for a friend's church.I felt it was an honour!
    JoZarty x popping in for a late 2nd birthday peek.

  18. I love old photos and family history. I want to see how you are going to use the items.
    Have a great week.
    Carol C


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!