Monday, June 27, 2011

The Colour of Money

The GC108 Colour Challenge is "The Colour of Money"
GREEN comes to mind right away,correct?
Well, in Canada, we have blue money, purple money orange get the picture.
Some Americans like to call it "Monopoly Money"
but just a few short weeks ago it surpassed the US dollar in value, so stop that!  lol
We also have loonies and toonies.
And I heard on the radio this morning that the Royal Canadian Mint is now
churning out 50 and 100 bills that are coated with plastic.
I don't know what to say about that.
Except that I likely won't have any of those in my wallet, so it's really not an issue.
I wanted to make something colourful, to honour our psychedelic currency.
And I thought Daddy Warbucks, Richie Rich and the
Monopoly Man could help me make my point.

I hope you visit Gingersnap Creations and take part in some (or all) of their challenges.  They are always fun, always challenging and always a great way to meet other artists!
See you there!!


  1. Too funny! How very creative, Electra! Love all the details and characters. Great design! Love our money!

  2. this is a great it...i think plastic money might be neat? it should last in the washing machine that way when it gets left in your pocket by accident!

  3. Brilliant fun, I love it. xx

  4. Fantastic tag!! And I agree about the plastic money in the wash...but it would have to be smaller denominations to be in my pocket too!

  5. Oh, forgot to say how amazingly cute Lucy is....I had to remember I'm at work and stop playing with her! LOL!

  6. lol! Love the tag, great idea with the money! other words, it's going to cost me more to visit Canada now? Dang...

  7. Wonderful money representation! Very cute.

  8. FUN piece, Electra--congratulations on being chosen as a Ginger Gem!



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