Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's a Jungle Out There

I'm not a card person.  Truly.
I like
but I'm not so good at

Having said that, I must tell you  lean closer  that the Poobahs at
have got me making cards.
Who'd a thunk it?
Their challenge this week was to make something somewhat wild.
I'm somewhat wild, but I didn't think you'd really want to see me dancin in my undies,
 trust me, you DON'T want to see that

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go out and find a small child who is having a birthday....


  1. I'm a child in my mind, can I have the purddddy card Mommy?

  2. Darling Daughter, someone who doesn't know us is going to read this and think we're mega-weirdos, you know.

  3. LOLOLOL You are a crack up lady.
    We are truely birds of a feather...

    I LOVE your wild card. I agree with your gorgeous offspring, it is very purddddy.

  4. I thought we were mega-weirdos lol

  5. You do make me giggle - this card looks so cute! You wouldn't know that you aren't a cardmaker. this came together so wonderfully, I'm so happy you played with us this week at Opus Gluei.

    We read, we love you, and we are going to be mega-weirdos with you - and we're not even related!

  6. This card is wonderful and I love the comments between you and Kaitlin. I know where she gets it. ;-)


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