Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dancin with the Poobahs!

Will you just LOOK at that title!!
How cool is that?
The challenge (for the next two, count em, TWO weeks) over at good ol'
Order of the Opus Gluei
is to create somethying magnificent (or simply fun) which is related to
in some way.
You can do that.  You know you can.
why if you're not in the mood to make something, just put your PJ's on and videotape yourself dancing around the bedroom to some imaginary tune known only to you.
You can't NOT do this.

I cannot tell a lie.  With my studio in disarray, I went into my extensive stash of completed scrapbook albums, on a mission, with a particular little dancer in mind.
Here is what I was looking for:

Page One: Please take note of the journalling.

And Page Two:
Humphf.  THAT was money well spent.
Doesn't that little boy look like he'd rather be ANYWHERE else?

And still on the
I came across this LO:
Can't you just HEAR the music?
Last time indeed.
Now get your boogie on and join us!


  1. I absolutely LOVE the dance layouts. The girl is adorable. I really love that you told the story of her hating dance class. AND I love the dancing first steps. So sweet, and so true. We can't wait for them to walk and then are forever telling them to slow down.

  2. I love your dance page! my girls have never ever complained about dance (unfortunately - I am not a good dance mom...don't get it at all and would love for them to be done)...they just want to do more and more and more...but there is always the few that are there and despise every second of it and I can totally relate to that page...just have to ask in fun, was she one of the little ones who sat down on stage at the recital and refused to dance while the others did their routine around her? those ones are my favorite part of all the recitals we have had to sit through...

  3. No, she actually did the steps, as I cried through the whole thing. But she had a look on her face that I've come to know very well, one that surfaces whenever she doesn't get her own way. lol

  4. Oh these are all just brilliant! Your scrapbook pages are such a treasure trove of wonderful moments from your life, FABULOUS!

  5. Awww, these are so precious! The layouts are wonderful and the images themselves are truly what dreams are made of. Thank you for sharing, Electra!

  6. These are great; I love your layouts. Yes, the little fellow looks like he soooo wishes to get out of there, perhaps he learned to enjoy dance later. The girl certainly was a cute child and a beautiful young lady. You know, those dance lessons will come in handy some day for dancing at her wedding and other festive occasions. The baby steps layout is adorable, absolutely adorable.


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