Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Nothing special here, but if you look really closely, you will see peeking out a spider embellishment.
Those who know me, know that is the ONLY thing I do not love about Halloween.
So I'm telling you this because when I went to take the pic of my workdesk and I saw the spider, I was so scared, I had to quickly shove it under my new Wendy stamp so it couldn't get me.
Now you know me better.


  1. I am a total arachnifobe, so I totally get it! LOL! Happy WOYWW, and enjoy the creativity...not spiders on the desk! -Amanda

  2. Just as well you don't live in my house then - now it's autumn, the spiders have come in from outside!! I quite like them...sorry :) xx

  3. I'm sort of indifferent to spiders. I can handle anything but a snake! Lovely space by the way!

  4. Lol - if you feel the need to give the stash away just in case the spider is there to stay feel free to send it to me! Hope you get brave enough to go back in there soon and start playing!

  5. I couldn't see the spider but them I avoid them like the plague !!!

    lovely desk by the way !

    have a lovely week xx

  6. Hi there. Bit of a flying visit from me today i'm afraid but I did want to pop on in. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us this week. Spiders are definitely not my thing either!

  7. Nice workspace you have there... I like spiders so if you want he can come live with me..although he may be a tad flat now...lol

  8. LOL! I have to be careful about my spiders in Halloween Art, too! Some of them just freak me out too much! I have that set of stickers, though! They are way fun!

  9. aw send Sid over here, I love spiders... we have an influx of them at the moment... the size of my hand... hoooooooge with massive fangs too... ahaha, just kidding, they are big though lol

  10. Aw that's a iddy biddy spider and he means you no harm! The one under Miss D's chair looks like a small family car. Ugh. Like the saying on the stamp. All I gotta do now is get my art to look like beauty....!

  11. You swooped in and took care of that spider! I got a late start because I fell asleep before I could link up with Julia. Your desk is always fun to see, whether the spider is there, or not.

    I'm 42 this week, not even in the top 10!

  12. LOL! You are very brave to get that close to it. ;-) Hugs!

  13. lol I wouldn't be anywhere near, a spider embellishment I could just about deal with though, tfs Jenny

  14. Ha ha you and me both - I don't do spiders, even pictures can give me the heeby jeebies, so thanks for hiding him!!

  15. Interesting about the spider. I feel that way about most bugs.
    On the flip side I love a good web, minus the spider of course.

  16. Woohooo, lookit chu gettin' all Wendified! lol! I don't see the spider, but congrats for meeting your fears head on! lol.

  17. Well I'm going to give you the creeps and tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE spiders and I pick them up and take them to another home when they visit. I only move them at all because I'd have to do more dusting if they made their webs and I couldn't damage such a beautiful little home now... could I?!... don't answer unless it's NO!
    JoZarty x

  18. I understand about the spider! I am not a huge fan but have learned to tolerate them as the years go by. As long as they don't touch me!!!
    I will be interested to see what you do with that stamp!
    I am having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to come and enter!
    xoxo Karen

  19. What a coincidence that you needed my vintage text at the time I posted .... thanks for popping by and I'm pleased to be helpful!
    JoZarty x

  20. Apologies for being so late in visiting this week but I really wanted to pop in and see what you were up to last week. Really don't like spiders either, not unless they are cute cartoons:) Hopefully I will get around much quicker tomorrow. Elizabeth x #73


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