Friday, December 30, 2011

Final Friday Fill Ins!

Happy New Year to all of you!!! we go!

1. Wait, wait _wait just one more minute, I'm not done!!_.

2. _Everything about me_ is a little different.

3. In addition, _to that, we now have to deal with this_.

4. _That IS NOT_ is the way we do it here!

5. At the end of the year, I like to _be excited about what the coming year will bring_.

6. _Maybe having a man in my life (gasp!)_ is one of the things I'm looking forward to in 2012.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _my kids (OK, I'll call the SIL one of my kids now) coming for supper_, tomorrow my plans include _cleaning out the storage locker_ and Sunday, I want to _decide where to go next_!
And a huge Happy New Year to Janet for giving us a year's worth of


  1. Wish you a great weekend and a Happy New Year. :)

  2. Hi my lovely friend. I want to wish you a very very very happy new year and .... hope you get that man and he is hansome,gentle and rich :)
    I love the banner by the way :)
    Hugs June xxxxx


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