Sunday, January 29, 2012


Automatically one thinks of hammers and drill and saws and all that sort of stuff, right?
I have all that stuff. But I only use them when I must.  
I thought it was important to make my "tools" collage with tools I actually use 
even when there is not a flood of water coming from under the sink.

 I've used elements by Beth Rimmer, Amanda Sok, Crowabout Studios, Cajoline, Syndee Nuckles, Tumblefish Studios, and Chere K Edwards


  1. Electra, you made a good decision to depict the tools you use making your art! And including your hands in the collage is so right - aren't hands the most important tool of an artist or a crafter! I like your colourful piece very much. Thank you for participating!

  2. Great choice for tools way to think for yourself Electra and a wonderful collage too...well done!

  3. This is so cool! I love the colors of this, and I love that art doll! What fun! I have to try some digital playing like this!

  4. Well, aren't you smart to feature ART TOOLS! I was NOT thinking on that line at all, yet am surrounded by them all the time!
    The colors and mood of your piece are just too fun!

  5. uauu belissima colagem de imagens!
    amei a paleta de cores!

  6. Very creative and well illustrated. Bravo.

  7. Gorgeous Electra and they ARE the best kind of tools we can ever use girly. Love the beautiful vibrant colours hun.
    Chris xx


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