Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tweet, Chirrup and Trill

The new challenge at 
has been put out to us by the lovely Gini.
She has asked us to create something with 
Tweet, Chirrup and Trill 
in mind.
That could be,
birdhouses, birds, songs that make you happy (or sad), your new hat...
in other words, pretty much anything.
Gini is very accomodating.
I do hope you will join us.
We have SO much fun, you know.


  1. These are all so very pretty. And cheeky. I LOVE that.

  2. I think you named those birds this project!

  3. Oh my gosh, this made me chuckle. Love the intricacy of these and yes, the names are perfection! Can't pick a favorite, although I do think back seat driver is lovely and colorful.

  4. these are awesome! I love the names, so fun! What creativity you have. These are so out there and funny.. I am truly in awe of my fellow Opus friends!!!

  5. Electra, você me inspirou a participar!
    também estou participando do desafio

  6. I love these! The embellishments really make them pop out...and their titles are too cute.

  7. Oh my I just love them all!!!!!!!!
    But I would be Fancy Pants for sure(If I had to choose one to represent me, which I can't help but do.)
    I'm sure every lady would look at them and identify with at least one of the titles - as they cover Archetypes don't they? Very clever you!
    Which one are you? I'd guess at Fancy Pants for you too...


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!