Friday, March 23, 2012

Gingersnap Twinchies

have arrived and they are so wonderful!
Aren't they great?

They are by Deb Ryan
Shelly Schmidt
and Lecretia Olble from Krisha keepsakes

I am so blessed.

And while we're at it, I found a way to display my own that were left over from the swap
 (you know I always make too many)

I like Twinchies. 
May need to make more of them


  1. Very cool twinchies! Love what everyone did, and I love how you displayed yours!

  2. Well Electra, you don't have a reaction check box for FABULOUS so I'm elbowing my way in to tell you so in the comment box. I hope you display this proudly. I've used "be still my heart" before but I have to say I LOVE "Never pass up an opportunity to pee" and plan to brazenly steal it. Have a terrific weekend and thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Hugs, Kathy


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!