Monday, March 19, 2012

Just Because

I went exploring in the mountains this weekend and took this picture in a canyon.
I just HAD to show you and couldn't just show you a picture, right?

Other elements used are by Sandy Kreiger, Studio Miki, 
Laurie Anderson, Skeletel Mess,
Vera Lim and Amadan Fraijo-Tobin

Have fun and make lots of art!


  1. soo pretty...we have no snow...can you believe it? +25 here gorgeous as that picture is, I will take our good weather fortune...once in one thousand year phenomenon according to the weather channel...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So beautiful! I'm not fond of winter, but if I lived in a place that looked like this, it wouldn't be so bad.

  4. Totally gorgeous, and so wish I could have been there! Just a beautiful piece! At the risk of cheating on comments, I've looked at your previous posts, and it's all wonderful, of course!

  5. My gosh this must be a trip to never forget ! What a view Electra !!

  6. Very cool picture. (No puns were harmed in the typing of this comment.) I love your pics. And this layout is wonderful.


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