Saturday, August 4, 2012

Just Because

I am SO missing creating and blogging.  
I hope that my health improves and that this new job I have doesn't kill me before that happens.  haha.
I pulled this piece out of my files just to prove to myself that I still "have it".
I feel better now.
I hope to see more of me here this weekend.  
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Patti, I didn't realize you weren't feeling well. Hope it all works out for you.
    You've still got it kid ! hopefully creating will help you feel better. Even if you don't post it.

  2. Oh youve still got it. Love this piece, the image and words are just perfect! You'll find yourself in a routine with the job soon, meantime, be kind to yourself!

  3. This is just gorgeous, Patti! I also didn't realize you were still not feeling well. I'm sending you wishes for good health and renewed artistic creativity!

  4. Oh you've still got it, Patti! Hope you have a restful weekend.xx

  5. Oh baby, you've still got it! Creatively that is, I hope you don't still have it (whatever is putting you under the weather). New job? I must find out more and send you an email!


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