Sunday, August 26, 2012

Me and My Camera

I live alone.  So my camera is my significant other.
Oh, please don't feel sorry for me, I'm quite happy with the arrangement.
My camera does not leave its dirty underwear on the bathroom floor.
My camera does not fart in bed, deny having done it, and then laugh hysterically as my eyes water.

You get the drift.

So over at
we are inviting you to create something with photography as a broadly-interpreted theme.
A VERY broadly-interpreted theme.

There is no way to do this challenge wrong.  
(well actually there is no way to do any Opus Gluei Challenge wrong.)
How cool is that?

I hope you go over to 

and see what wonderful artistikness the Poobahs have created.
I promise you, you will not be disappointed.
Go there.
Go there now.
And make something wonderful and link it up so we can admire it.

You owe it to yourself.

(PS, if you are so inclined as to want to see some of my actual photography,
 you just need to scroll down and  click on my photo on the right sidebar 
and it will take you to my daily calendar.)

Or not.
Just be happy.
Don't worry.
Be happy.
I heard that somewhere.


  1. I feel the same way about my camera, but I also have a hubby. He knows, though, that if he gets in the way of my camera, I will shoot him. Bahaha!

    I love your camera picture too!

  2. I love taking photos, I'm not as good as you are (don't deny it, we all have our strengths). I do have a hubby (and he's better behaved than some of the behavior you noted - you had me chuckling over that, I'd prefer art to that as well). Love this layout, you have such an eye for composition in your work.

    Excellent challenge, m'dear, and while I was late to the party, I did get projects in!

  3. Now this is how you do it!!!
    You do such wonderful digi and hand scrapbooks, I always love looking at all your work :-)

    I don't know why I couldn't do it, even when I said to myself pretend it is something you stamped, it still didn't work!
    But then I couldn't do card layouts to start with either so...
    I will try with some more photo's and print them out smaller!

    I recognize your background paper too, it's the hexagon shape one from whatshername LOL Mel someone! Ha no flies on me today!!

    Keep flying that kite ;-)

  4. Cool page, great graphics. I love your photography! I'm going to have to check out this "daily calendar" of yours!

  5. I love your self-portrait, Electra. I love photography too, so I'm really enjoying this challenge. Blessings!


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