Wednesday, March 6, 2013


What was your childhood like?
I was chubby with batgirl glasses.
Amazing what you can come up with when you take one word 
and think about it for a while.

I hope you check out

There are likely some artists with much sweeter thoughts on children.
tee hee

Credits: Hidden Vintage Studios, Cemerony, Shalae Tippetts,
Holliewood Studios, and Amanda Thorderson Designs

Thanks for stopping by and have a funny day!


  1. Lovely piece Electra, but you should not hate her, she made you into who you are today! hugs, ~Diane

  2. What a great collage it is rich and colorful and filled with whimsey but really beautiful too...well done Electra!

  3. This looks as if it was therapeutic, and that is often the advantage of creating art!! I didn't wear the batgirl glasses, but I was a chubby child, so I sort of identified!!

  4. Love the flowers in her hair! Reminds me of a song from long ago! OMG, I had those batgirl glasses! I could fly in them!

  5. So original, Electra. Hope you got all that out of your system! Love the birds and depth. xx

  6. I love your take on childhood, Electra, it really makes me smile, and your collage is a stunner too.

  7. I love the young girl's big smile - so warm and full of the joy of childhood!


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