Sunday, September 7, 2014


It's no secret that I love to make ATC's.
So when I learned that our new challenge over at
exactly that...well...
Images were googled.
Just put in "Pinups" and hit SEARCH.

I hope you join us for our 191st (gasp!) challenge at
and link up with us in the comments, 
so we can stop by and oogle your creative works!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I LOVE the vintage pin-ups! The 1st ONE is my Favorite!!!
    Kudos to YOU for a job well done = )

  2. Love this! Wish I could have one of them!

  3. They're all AMAZING, and WONDERFUL, and every other exclamatory word I can find! I want them all!!

    ....and sadly, I don't look like any of
    them anymore either (who am I kidding?? Did I ever?)


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!