Tuesday, January 26, 2010

PS I love you

So, scenes. 1. my friend and gracious host, sunning at the pool (r u jealous yet?) 2. snow AND palm trees, how cool is that? 3. a sculpture in the city park. Today we went to an oasis and up 8515 feet in the airial (sp?) tram. It was snowing and blowing at the top and most people had parkas on but there was me, the little old Canadian broad, standing in the wind with a shirt on, smiling like an idiot. It really was NOT cold IMO. Super duper view, tho, and I loved the ride both up and down. We also visited a real oasis, which was VERY kewl, pretty pretty. Walked through the desert to get there, lots of interesting plants out there. I should have some pics tomorrow. Must go back to Target and the CD-maker again. I figure I may as well make it worth my while and get the pics tomorrow at Joshua Tree as well. The weather has been fine. Even at the top of the mountain! :-)


  1. Looks fantastic. Yup. I'm jealous. Even though I am in FL. I'm not on vacation. Love living through you. Even if you are the crazy Canadian lady without a coat.

  2. Yes, I am, indeed, quite jealous, thank you very much! LOL! I would love some nice warm sun and a beach right now!


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