Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blog Break

Hi y'all. I see the last time I posted was Saturday.  And now it's Tuesday.  Soon to be Wednesday in fact.
I am just poppin in to say I am alive and well, but am doing some major self-care for a bit.  Work has been overwhelming lately, more than I can handle, in fact, and so I've made a decision that I need to triage and:
  1. get a minimum of eight hours sleep a night, about double what I usually get
  2. eat some regular, reasonably healthy meals, something I've never been real good at, since my first career as a chef
  3. reach out to some friends for support (not that my friends in the Blogoverse aren't support, cus they are, but this requires some serious face-to-face stuff)
  4. up my meditation time, which has kind of fallen by the wayside lately
Hungry,Angry, Lonely, Tired  (as in, don't get too:)

I won't be long.  In the meanwhile, I shall post a couple of ATC's I have waiting in the wings for you to take a gander at.  But NO  "tutorials".  lol

Be back soon, I already miss you all.


  1. We all know what a busy and hectic feels like, so no worries -- take your time, we will be here when you return! Refresh & rejuvenate!

  2. Yes have a good rest , it will do your head and heart good )

    like your atcs too.

    Your last comment on my blog really made my day today!
    already issing you jenxo

  3. You never have to apologise for taking "me" time....... Do whatever it takes to re-charge and feel good. We'll all be right here when you get back.

    Love these ATCs.... I think this is my new obsession.

  4. These are amazing! I REALLY love that No News is Good News one! WOW! that is really great!

  5. I'm with Chat Noir, no need to 'splain, your bloggy buddies understand and love you all the more for taking some ME time. Sending warm and good vibes out to you. Nourish the body and soul because then you'll have the energy for our reading needs (LOL).

    Thanks for the loverly eye candy!

  6. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here, anxiously awaiting your triumphant return to blogland. The ATC's are awesome, gf, you take care, now, hear?

  7. Good for you. I've wondered how you manage to make time for everything...I place a high value on sleep! Glad you are prioritizing and giving yourself some solo time!

  8. Beautiful blog with gorgeous creations. Love them all.
    Annette x

  9. Hello there ... just fell into your blog and feel as if I came upon a kindred spirit. I'm adding you and your creative endeavors to my reading list. Thank you for these few minutes of your time. Cheryl

  10. Love the weasel Noel Coward one. Fabulous!
    You have got the blogging without obligation badge and manifesto up in your side bar, so you never need to apologise for not posting Electra!
    I hope you get the balance you need back in your life very soon.
    It's the modern times we live in pulling us every which way 24 hours a day.
    'Tis no good for nobody unfortunately.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!