Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just some ATC's

I'm having a blast these days participating in ATC swaps through Swap-Bot.  I try to be considerate and not show you any of the ATC's a send out until I hear from my partner that s/he has received it.  Well, some have been received and I thought you might like to see what I've been up to.  (when I'm not sleeping or working, that is)

First, we have "Marie Antoinette":
Then, "Butterfly":
Next, is "Moose":

And lastly, for now, "Vintage Nude"

Now I ask you, how much fun is this?

Speaking of Marie Antoinette, this Saturday marks the end of Paris in July, which has been a month-long celebration of all things Paris.  I hope you'll check out the l-o-n-g- list of participants, as I have been, and join our hosts, Karen and Tamara as we enjoy book reviews, movie reviews, tips on French art and cooking, holiday memories and even ride-alongs with those who have the good fortune to actually BE in Gay Paree, as we speak! 

Even my computer got involved.  And for those of you who read my post about how my computer sometimes switches from French to English WITHOUT my permission, and have concluded that I am totally off my rocker, I should tell you that I live in Canada.  Canada.  Where Quebec is.  The poor cousin of France.  Where they speak French. In Quebec.  In Canada. The reason I bring this up is because the other day, I was doing something decidedly computer-y and the Windows-gods asked me if I was using Canadian-English, or Canadian-French format.  Hah!  See?  I am not hallucinating.  My computer DOES speak French.  So there.  Told you so.

Je suis Canadienne.
Bon Soir.  :-)

PS.  Back Saturday with a wrap-up of my own.  Possible en francais. Possible pas.  And my computer didn't write this.  I did.


  1. Gorgeous shots, and hello Vintage Nude! I always enjoy visiting your site! And too funny on your computer speaking French all on its own! :)

  2. These are absolutely fabulous!!!

  3. These are fab Electra, great. Enjoy the weekend. Annette x

  4. LOVE the baroque comment, that is so hysterically funny I can't stand it, the other ATC's are wonderful as well, I, ah, especially am drawn to the moose one for some reason... have a great weekend!

  5. HI Electra, your ATC came and it is beautiful thanks and love the one with miss Baker. I would have loved to have seen her in person...and she lived in france too you do have a french thing going on.... Hugs Wendy

  6. I love the first one--after years playing the violin in orchestra, I love "Baroque" jokes!

  7. Well, bonjour to your bi-lingual computer, and bravo to your spectacular ATCs! "If it ain't Baroque..." HAHAHAHAH!!!

    Butterflies are indeed self-propelled flowers, and that's a very clever observation! You're always clever, though, so no surprise there! Love the moose, and love the vintage bad girl, too!

    You so totally rock. It's kind of ridiculous how much you rock!

  8. I enjoyed your wrap-up. I ran out of steam this weak and came home form cyber-Parisian adventure early. Great post!


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