Sunday, July 11, 2010

Paris Art

I spent the afternoon with a friend exploring our museum.  We went primarily to see an exhibition of the French Imprssionists.  I couldn't take any pictures for you, I knew that.  I knew that because I almost got thrown out of the Palm Springs Art Museum by a security guard who was miffed that I took a couple of pictures without his permission.  I like my freedom, wasn't about to try that again.  So I will just have to show you a picture of the Louvre, a museum I have never had the pleasure to visit, but hope to one day.  The friend I was with today has been to the Louvre.  He too tried to take some photos, in particular, of the Mona Lisa.  He told me though that there is glass in front of it and he wasn't able to get a successful shot.  Such is life.  We sat for awhile and pondered the injustices of life.  Sigh.  I really should be in Paris.  It's only right.


  1. That picture is beautiful. We should all be able to visit that, at least once, in our lifetime.

  2. The French Impressionists are my favorite artists - or I should say their work is -of all the eras.

  3. I'm jealous! Our local museum is all artifacts--it's a historical museum and not an art museum. Unfortunately there's not a big base for art around here :(

  4. What a lovely post - it made me smile. It is only right that you should be in Paris.

  5. I love Impressionism. Sounds like you had a lovely day. Even if you are a chicken and didn't take pics for us. teeheehee

  6. I would love to see Paris as well, and yes, you deserve to go there.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!