Monday, August 23, 2010

Yes we did it!

We did the ziplines.  AND (the best part)?  We both lived to tell about it.  I will not however tell you about it tonight.  I am too tired.  Tired and sore.  I know, I know, this could be considered whining by some.  All I can respond to that is until you have hiked up a mountain and rappelled down it 350 feet about the forest floor on what should technically (in my view) ONLY be used as a power line, and is 1692 feet long:


Don't misunderstand.  I say this with love.

Good night.


  1. oh WOW!!! what fun that must ahve been, hope the landing was soft!

  2. That looks like so much fun, ALMOST (note, I say almost) worth the exhausting climb. You made me giggle (said with love), who would dare to say you were whining?

  3. Oh, don't worry about Lucy - I fed her and made sure she got some exercise, but someone else is going to have to take care of the pellets....I have a litterbox to take care of already...

  4. Oh, my goodness! That sounds like fun, but I don't know that I would be brave enough!!! I can't wait to hear about it...later...when you aren't in pain. Just say'n.

  5. Wow! My question is, how did you get that pic? Were you like, hanging from the zipline as you took it? Now that's talent. lol. Looks like a lot of fun! Take some Advil and call me in the morning.

  6. so I think you need to add super hero to your profile ... I would never do that scared of looks fun..althougth...whats next?? hugs Wendy

  7. Are you nuts, Lori? I was in front of her, but I sure wasn't taking any photos. They had a pro there, and you could buy the pics. I couldn't only afford one and this is it! Cool, eh?

  8. You are such a dare-devil. Congrats. Great shot too.


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