Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alphabet Soup

The Poobahs over The Order of the Opus gluei at have challenged us this week to put together something wonderful which brings to mind the alphabet.  Where do they come up with these ideas anyways?  Well, you would know the answer to that question if you ever visited them.  lol 
Here is my ATC.

Here's what they have to say to us:

Here in the USA the schoolchildren are dragging themselves back to the classroom and getting back into the swing of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

In honor of their noble efforts,

your challenge this week is to use letters!

Now, it's important (to me at least) for me to tell you that here in Canada we send our children to school too.  But never mind that, I'm so relieved they didn't suggest we pay homage to

cus I was always (and still am) seriously arithmetic-challenged.  Back in my day (do you ever catch yourself saying that?) we didn''t have calculators (or copiers, or cell phones and underwire bras) and we had to actually count.  With our fingers!  Yeah!
Ask a young kid nowadays to do that!
(OK, I just realized I'm off on another tangent and worse than that, it's a old-lady one.  So I'm done)

But I would have come up with something for arithmetic, I want you to know.

Anyhoo,  The alphabet it is and I had another fun time with it (like I always do with the Gluei-girls).

Now here's another REALLY important reason for you to blurf on over to The Order of the Opus Gluei because you won't want to miss their inchie blog header.  That's right, I said INCHIE BLOG HEADER!!
Have you ever?

It is SO COOL.

Go on.  You know you want to.  I'll see you over there.  Maybe doing next week's challenge with us.  I hope so, anyways.

Did I tell you it's supposed to snow here tonight?
I feel so sad.


  1. I love your piece. I am a firm believer in NONSENSE. It not only wakes up my brain, but it keeps me going (and sane.) OPUS GLUEI LOVES that you continue to play with us. Even if we are a bit "off". So sorry to hear that you are expecting snow. Yikes. AND Yuck.

  2. Love the ATC, really cool! Snow? Didn't you guys just finally get to have summer??? lol! Yikes!

  3. Thats just lovely - hang on...SNOW??? Outside my window it is a nice sunny, Indian Summer type of an evening! Wrap up warm - hey perfect excuse to craft!


  4. Brilliant fun piece Electra. Enjoy the weekend. Annette x


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