Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dezinaworld Angel

I'm sure I'm about the only one who doesn't know June of Dezinaworld and the wonderful artwork she does. I'm often the last to know. No matter what it is. But at any rate, I've recently discovered Dezinaworld and I really like the artwork that people submit there.  So I play along when I can.  This week, June has suggested "angels".  So I've come up with something and I really like it, but I suspect she may be more of a fairy than an angel.  I've never met either face-to-face though, so I can't be sure.  The image of the fairy/angel is from google-land.  The background is by Holliewood Studios, the wings are by Lisa's Altered Art, and the cake is by Freubel. The rest of it?  Who knows.  Only the elves who live in my stash could answer that.
I hope you like it.
And if you don't, I'll bet you can relate to it.


  1. Funny and so cute. Great job.

  2. Oh that's too adorable Electra!!! Love it! And got quite a chuckle out of it too...pretty and funny--what a combo!

  3. I love this.
    ...And I can relate only too well to the humour.

  4. Hello Electra. Lol i am sure you are not the only one that doesn't know me hehe ... and you do now :)
    I adore your angel/fairy piece and love the humour in it too .. yep very me that one is lol. Your collage is clever and beautiful and i am thrilled you joined in the challenge. I hope you will join in often, your work is gorgeous
    hugs June xxx

  5. Hahahahahaha. I can so relate. Frequently ask myself that same question. Never have the answer, which is why I keep asking the question....


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