Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy birthday Jane!

Who is Jane?  you ask.
Does it really matter?

Click on the pic if you have old eyes like I do.  That'll make it bigger and then if you push your face up right to the monitor, you'll be able to follow the story.
The party girls are by Rian of Freuble.
I hope you'll visit her, she's re-opened her shop and she doesn the most amazing WORK!

And a BIG SHOUT-OUT TO THE CHILIEAN MINERS AS THEY COME UP FROM THE BOWELS OF THE EARTH AND TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE FREED THEM  This is as big a deal as the walk on the moon, imo, and I was around for that as well, so I can say that.


  1. This is SUCH a fun piece and YAY about the miners!!! I am so excited that they are finally coming up!

  2. Hi Electra !
    First about he Chilean minors !
    I've just spent hours watching CNN on television and with every minor that is resqued...tears came up.
    And indeed....YEAHHHHH !!!! :-)
    about your image !
    Thanks for mension it ! I always LOVE to see what is done with my collage sheets and yours is truely entertaining !!

  3. Ditto about the miners. How cool. Love this piece, hysterical as usual, lol!

  4. I agree about the miners. About time we used technology for something good. Okay, off the soap box. LOVE your piece. So fun and happy.

  5. OMG, that's awesome! You never, ever fail to bring a big smile to my face!

    I remember the moon walk, too, and yeah, this is right up there. Not up there on the moon, I mean. Right up there on the coolness-o-meter...


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!