Friday, October 15, 2010


I am participating in a GC Creative Connection. I heard about this month’s GCCC - Haunted - from Gingersnap Creations. Why not play along? Post a creation to your blog mentioning my post and the Creative Connection post on Gingersnap Creations. Let’s all craft it forward and see how far we can get this connection to go!
Does this look the least bit haunted to you?  I tried and tried and tried to get a decent photo which would show you that there is a golden patina to the windowpane, but had no success with that. You'll have to take my word for it, I'm afraid. I used some really funky vellum which has enbossed spiderweb-type designs all over it.  It came out of a photo album that my father had put my baby photos in well over 50 years ago.
Both women are images by Julia Van Der Werf of Cemerony
I love her work, don't you?
I hope you join us over at Gingersnap Creations.  Tell them I sent you!


  1. Certainly looks haunted to me - very clever.
    Llandudno is in Wales, UK - sorry it's a long way from you.

  2. A breathtaking and marvelous piece! Perfect for the theme!

  3. aww grat spooky piece Electra...

  4. Oh wowee Electra its positively spooooky, just brilliant.
    Annette x

  5. I got scared just looking at it... it's really cool, though!

  6. I love it. I absolutely looks haunted to me.

  7. Well, I'm quite late finding this but I'm so glad I did - it's spooktacularly gorgeous! Love the images, the techniques - everything.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!