Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Have a Cuppa

Challenge #...wait, let me go look...#77 at The Order of the Opus Gluei is to make something along the lines of a "Have a Cuppa" theme.  And I'm doubly excited because I get to use baby blue for my font, and it's not a Halloween Colour.  Let's think about that though.  Just imagine, if bats were baby blue and witches wore pink.  Black cats would become furry white persians (hey, have you ever wondered why you don't often see psychotic black DOGS in Halloween parap-paraph-that's hard to spell-paraphenalia?) and all the gravestones in the graveyards would be jewel tones.  Jewel tones.  I just like saying that.  Say it with me.  Jew-el tones. Isn't that nice?
and cauldrons.  Caudrons would be made of Swarovsky (again, a hard word to spell) crystal.  Brooms would have long flowing, vrant, soft fibers instead of pokey old straw.  And the ubiquitous skeleton?  Well, she or he would have a stylist of course. Duh.
But I digress.

Here's the point of this, my most recent tangent:
All of the tiny little inchies that I had cut out one evening while watching TV are what inspired this.
You can find them at Lisa's Altered Art
Now I just have to find someone who is my cup of tea to give it to.  lol

I'm not done yet!

Last year, I was the lucky recipient of  a sweet little Halloween albumette made by one of the Poobahs over at The Order of the Opus Gluei.  Very cool

I would like to show you and Jana what I've done with it:

Remember this, Jana?

Do I need to show over to orange type now?
,Jana, it in now a home for my Halloween Inchies!   And there are two other lucky recipients who also have one of your awesome little albumettes for their inchies.  How cool is that?
I'll bet you never knew when you put that little treaasure into an envelope and mailed it to Canada, how famous it would become.
Didn't Cha!


  1. I love your OG project and OMG you have such a good idea for your mini Halloween album! I am sooo stealing this idea. What a great use! You can also then put it out on a table as a decoration which I think is doubly fabulous!

    I am always so happy when you take on our challenges, you inspire and make me smile!

    Also, I like the alternate ideas for Halloween colors - I love black cats but the idea of a fluffy white Halloween Persian is also appealing. Now, I need to pull out my pink witches outfit!

  2. I love your card. Those inchies are adorable. I also love that big bling on the cup. PERFECT CUPPA for OG. Now onto the album: YOU ARE A GENIUS. Absolutely brilliant using it for your Halloween inchies. I'm thinking some idea stealing is gonna happen here....
    You'll want to check out my post tomorrow. I'll even remove any spiders if you win. Oops, I've said too much already. MWAHAHAHAHA

  3. Both are very, very cool. You and the OG girls are really rockin' the inchies, and an awesome way to display them!

  4. love the tea piece for Opus..great GEM stone..fab! CUTE Halloween inchies..those are so fun to look at.


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