Sunday, October 24, 2010

Soartful Challenges has given us this lovely image of a key to work with.  a key with which to work.  I went ta school, ya know!

What can you do with a key?  About a gazillion different things, of course.
I didn't do a gazillion different things, just the key to my (or your) heart stuck with me and that was my inspiration.

Please visit Soartful challenges.
Yu have a whole week to create something with this key.


  1. I cant believe this........ you and I have the same collection of images. I'll have to take some photos of the pyramid I made with these gorgeous french women depicting the seasons. This is delicious.

  2. Hi there...I am loving your blog and your sense of humor! I love this art piece so selected it to send you a note. Thank you for visiting my blog as well. I look forward to many returns to yours and have joined your followers list. I hope you will join me at my list as well. Have a great week. Hugs, Gayle (in Canada).

  3. It is always so much fun to visit your blog. This is a stunning piece. A bit exotic. Thanks for being Soartful this week.

  4. Hi--great work on this piece! The layout is wonderful and the images quite unique.


  5. Fantastic elements...Awesome artwork Electra!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!