Saturday, November 6, 2010

Page 54

of Tim Holtz' Compendium of Curiosities teaches us how to do his Industrial Grunge Technique.  You should try it.
Now that I have piqued your interest, go on over to Linda Ledbetter's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge and join in!
(The oven is what I did the challenge on and I poked myself so many times, I had to stop until I stopped bleeding.)


  1. What a fun piece Electra, I love it! (That oven looks as though it could do with a clean though - lol)

  2. How brilliant and orginal Electra.
    Annette x

  3. Okay, this is completely fabulous! I love your style, Electra-- you have such a unique and awesome approach to art, and it's always so much fun to see what kind of magic you'll create. The industrially grungy stove is brilliant! Actually, the entire design is brilliant. You've totally captured the feel of a vintage kitchen!

  4. This is total creative goodness here, I'm just sayin' it. I also love how you used the page 54 as your title, BRILLIANT!

  5. You do suffer for your art, Electra! This is cool, but sheesh, don't hurt yourself!

  6. Adorable piece. You have mastered Sir Tim's technique. Wonderful job.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!