Sunday, November 28, 2010

Take a Word-Home

This week Grannie Annie of The Whimsey Asylum is this week's guest artist at Take A Word and I am Dee-lighted!  I love her work!  She's like, my artist hero!  Truly!
Her creations have a lovely heartfelt story that go with them and it conjures up comfy cozy memories of home and hearth.
But not mine.
When I thought of home, I thought of how I would like to sell my place and move into a smaller home, because I can't keep this place clean-it's way too big for me now.
And that's the truth.


  1. I love this, Electra. It made me smile on a very hot Monday morning here in Western Australia. It is quirky and whimsical and the design is superb.

    Great artwork! Thanks so much for joining in the challenge this week.

    Cheers from Marie, aka Ozstuff.

  2. Oh Electra I am so touched by your post thank you for your sweet compliments...I love this picture especially the words...I know just how you feel...I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes..."A clean house is a sign of a misspent life." An awesome job my dear!!

  3. So cute! I loe how you used the fabric in the laundry basket!

  4. Hahahaha, this is SOOOO funny! I love it, great work!

  5. I've always said when I'm old and decrepit and in my rocking chair I doubt if I'll be saying "I had such a great time back there cleaning the house ...!" Think about it. Great expressive art. Well done!

  6. great collage!!! made me smile, and i love the use of fabric!!!

  7. "and that´s the truth" hahaha, i´m rolling on the floor... you got it to the point!! fantastic take on the challenge!

  8. Fantastic! Gave me a wide smile. There's another saying...
    The dust quietly protects my furniture while I get on with more important things.....xx

  9. Ah ! très drôle ... votre collage , mais bien réel ! la maison c'est aussi beaucoup de travail pas toujours très agréable ! Bravo pour votre humour ! Amitiés Mary.KG

  10. Electra, this is a lovely piece of whimsy and such great fun.

  11. True indeed! What fun!

  12. This is so cute! I really love it!

  13. LOL - truer words have never been spoken! I heartily second this!

    Your blog never fails to make me smile, I love that!

  14. Thanks for the smile on my face, that's fantastic.

  15. Hi, this is a great piece! I love everyone's different ideas for this challenge- such fun!

  16. My sister would agree whole-heartedly. Fantastic work!

  17. LOVE this. I am thinking I need to post this in my kitchen. You know to remind DH. HAHAHAHAHA

  18. I realy realy like ure art! I love ure style! It great!
    Great weekend,


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