Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Home

and creating again.  Gee whiz, I found it hard to not be able to make anything the week I was away. So I shopped instead. lol
Today I combined a couple of challenges and came up with this:
It's an ATC for the Order of the Opus Gluei Challenge #87 Key to My Heart and for Art Creations Friday Challenge #102.
I call it "Why Do I Have To Do All The Heavy Lifting In This Relationship?"
It's good to be home.

(Added later)
When I went over to Art Creations Friday to post my link to the above photo, I scrolled down and learned that I had missed THIS
part of the instructions for this week's challenge.
(sometimes I wonder how I got to be the age I am)
(as my mother liked to say dismissively)
is my second attempt, using ALL of the parts I was supposed to use in the first place.
Can you believe me sometimes?


  1. I love both pieces Electra, but i think my favorite is the top one!!
    Great background on it and love the embellishments!

  2. Throw the rules to the wind! Your original is far too beautiful. I adore vintage keys. The layering is fabulous.

  3. I like them both, but my favorite is the second one. Love all the animals and the color you gave your work.

  4. Rules or not your efforts are super! beautiful work.xx

  5. Can I believe you? Sheesh, it's like we are sisters. I love the ATC. Both versions. Most of the time my DH is okay, but there are times when I would easily trade him in for a goldfish. Thanks so much for playing with the Poobahs. I am so glad you are home and able to play again.

  6. LOL! Both are fabulous.I can relate to missing some of the clues in the challenges. Oh well it isn't fatal thank goodness.
    Hugs, Chris

  7. I absolutely love and adore them!!

  8. HA HA - I love you, Electra, you have a wonderful sense of humor and you cope with stress in much the same way I do (a little arty crafty retail therapy, anyone?)!

    I love these, heavy lifting made me laugh out loud (insulted the cat, who left) and then I saw the pets or men one and that also brought a big smile and laugh (so thank you for exercising my face this morning!)

    Big hugs from the Poobah for always bringing a sense of fun to the challenge! (you need a HILARIOUS choice - funny isn't strong enough)

  9. Two lovely pieces, and the second is so funny! Great work!

  10. HA! Both are fantastic pieces, love the humor on both, and I might add, I totally agree with both sentiments, lol.

  11. Glad your home safe and sound :-)
    Love your second go with all the cute animals especially the little red birdie on the dogs back, I bet he's the one in charge!
    And what I've been meaning to say but keep forgetting is how much I like your new header and side thingys on your blog and that I can read it so much easier now it's not a black background- yippee!!!!
    Thank you

  12. Loved the first one and the second one too!!! Wonderful work


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